This Scholarship is in honor of Dr. Keith A. Garber, family practice physician in Wayne County for more than 40 years.
The Scholarship will be awarded to a student who is planning a career in nursing, laboratory or x-ray technology, physical or occupational therapy, respiratory care, or related fields of study in the healthcare profession. The intent of this Scholarship is to help residents of Wayne County further their education with the anticipation that they will return to this area to pursue their profession. The scholarship recipient would presumably receive preferred status for available employment at Wayne County Hospital or affiliated clinics upon completion of their education.
All scholarship money will be presented upon proof of enrollment at a junior college, college, or university for the fall semester.
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must be residents of Wayne County and be graduating from one of the following schools serving Wayne County students: Lineville-Clio Community School District, Mormon Trail Community School District, Seymour Community School District, or Wayne Community School District (or districts succeeding these districts and serving Wayne County) with the intention of enrolling full-time at a junior college, college or university.
- Applicants must rank in the upper half of their high school class, and have maintained at least a 2.8 grade point average. A signed copy of the applicant’s transcript must be provided.
- Applicants must have participated in sports, music, and/or other extracurricular activities while in high school.
- Applicants must have been involved in some form of church and/or community organization or activity.
- Applicants must submit a letter of application, which includes the information set forth above, as well as the following additional information:
- the name of the college, university or junior college they plan to attend
- why they chose this particular institution of higher learning
- the area of healthcare they plan to enter
- what led them to this career choice
- a summary of any work-related experience in the field of study.
- Applicants must supply a letter of recommendation from a school representative and a letter of recommendation from a community representative.
- Applicants must appear, if requested, for an interview with the Dr. Keith A. Garber Scholarship Committee.
- Applications must be received at the Foundation Office or by Email by the first Monday of April each year.
- A scholarship must be claimed by March 1st of the year following the one in which it was awarded (generally two semesters). If not claimed, the scholarship will be considered forfeited, and the amount awarded will be returned to the appropriate scholarship fund. Special exceptions may be granted by written permission from the Wayne Community Foundation Board of Directors.
Selection Criteria
Applications for the Scholarship will be judged using the following criteria:
- Community Service
- Demonstration of Leadership
- Personal Qualities/Strength of Character
- Extracurricular School Activities
- Academic and Scholastic Record
- Work Experience
- Financial Need